Profile Code: MAAMW/61/MEG14082024 |
Info | Detail |
Salary: | R14 000 + |
Languages: | Afrikaans and English |
Reside: | Vereeniging – Willing to relocate |
Availability: | Can start within less than a month |
Live-in or out? | Both |
Driver’s License: | Yes, Code B |
Dependents ages: | NA |
Who will take care of them if you are employed: | NA |
Health: Clinic visits – how often: | Rarely |
Can you get your medicine on weekends | Yes |
Highest Grade | Grade 12 at Sasol High |
Years in total | |
Cooking | 12+ |
Care working | 12+ |
Job name 1: | CANSA – Reference Lynne |
About | The Cancer Association of South Africa – M was trained and employed to work with multiple cancer patients |
Duration: | 2012 to current |
Duties: | · Take blood pressure
· Keep logs and records of patient temperatures and medicine · Heart rate monitoring · Assisting with mobility · Bed bathing · Keeping patients’ company and in high spirits · Helping patients get dressed |
Job name 2: | Van den Berg client |
About | Taking care of the client’s elderly mother-in-law |
Duration: | 2019 to 2020 |
Duties: | Come in early to wash and dress the patient who was 98 at the time
In the afternoon she would do another washing and put on her sleep wear She assisted her to move around |
Reference Received
Family | Feedback |
From when to when did she work for you: | 2012 to current |
Why is she no longer employed? | NA |
What were her Duties? | Take blood pressure
Keep logs and records of patient temperatures and medicine Heart rate monitoring Assisting with mobility Bed bathing Keeping patients’ company and in high spirits |
How was her personality at work? | Easy going with a great bedside manner. Very patient. |
What would you say your former employee needs more training in? | We trained her very thoroughly |
What did she excel in? | Her ability to concentrate and thoroughness |
Loyalty to her work? | Absolutely |
Was she mostly on time for work? | Never ever late |
Her thoroughness? | Extremely |
How many days in a week did she work? | 24/7 if needed |
Did she cook? Example of the meals? | She lived in and had to cook for two of our patients. She can cook and bake, and she makes the loveliest koeksisters. |
Did she give notice when she resigned/ if applicable? | NA |
Communication skills with patients, staff and superiors | Excellent. She is patient with patients with Alzheimer’s that tell the same story over and over sometimes and she would give me (her supervisor and trainer) thorough reports. She will also always ask and double check before doing something if she was not sure which I really appreciated. |
Pets |
Family | Van den Berg client |
From when to when did she work for you: | 2019 to 2020 |
Why is she no longer employed? | Patient passed away |
What were her Duties? | Come in early to wash and dress the patient who was 98 at the time
In the afternoon she would do another washing and put on her sleep wear She assisted her to move around |
How was her personality at work? | Very patient and friendly. Can get along with anybody |
Was she mostly on time for work?
If she could not work, how often did this happen? And her reasons? |
She was always on time; in fact, she would be there 5 minutes early |
How many days in a week did she work? | She came in every day |
Other | She is a very neat and pleasant person, very punctual and willing to go above and beyond for her patients |
Reference from her church minister:
Ek ken M reeds meer as tien jaar. Sy is aan my goed bekend. M is ‘n meelewende lidmaat van die gemeente. Sy leef haar belydenis en christenskap konsekwent uit.
M is ‘n baie veelsydige persoon met vele talente. Sy is ‘n aangename vriendelike, innemende, behulpsame, eerlike en opreg nederige mens. Sy is netjies op haar persoon en werk. Haar kommunikasievaardighede en taalgebruik, in beide Afrikaans en Engels, is goed. M se fisiese en psigiese gesondheid is ooglopend goed.
Een van M se groot passies, is die versorging van bejaardes, waarin sy haar meelewendheid, agtergrond, vaardighede en ervaring goed uitleef. Sy het letterlik jare ondervinding hierin. Dit, tesame met haar opregte deernis, maak van haar ‘n buitengewoon goeie kandidaat vir enige soortgelyke vakature.
Ek kan M dus van harte aanbeveel vir die betrekking waarvoor sy aansoek doen. Ek is van mening dat haar persoonlikheid, haar gawes, asook haar agtergrond en ondervinding, haar uiters geskik maak vir die pos van haar keuse, en haar in staat sal stel om hiervan ‘n groot sukses te maak
My beste wense vergesel M verder op haar lewenspad.
Baie dankie